Erasmus+ mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff at the University of Jaen, Spain


Short application deadline!!!

Erasmus+ mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff at the University of Jaen, Spain

In accordance with the signed Inter-institutional agreement with the University of Jaen, Spain, a call for scholarship mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff is being announced.

The competition is open to teaching and non-teaching staff of the University of (put a name of University)

You can receive all documents required for application by sending an inquiry to the email: put email of international office.


The basic selection criteria are the matching of study programs, previous participation in the Erasmus+ mobility program, knowledge of the English language and an even representation of study programs.


You can send all documents electronically to , by post or bring them in person to the International office from 10:00 to 14:00 (working day).

Note for mailing: Application for Erasmus+ mobility – UNIVERSITY OF JAEN, SPAIN


Realization of mobility: from Dec 12, 2022 to Dec 16, 2022 (Staff Training Week)

Application deadline: Sept 27, 2022 (10:00)

Additional information can be obtained from the International office: 00382 68 60 59 52 or personally at the International office from 10:00 to 14:00 (working days)

Staff week diciembre 2022PDF


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