Through organization structure, FPEP has an Office for International Cooperation, which includes an Erasmus office. The International Cooperation Team (ICT) is composed of 1 International Relationships Manager and 1 Coordinator (for all international projects). The ICT meets once a month to provide updates on ongoing processes and individual teams meet twice a month to work on specific duties.
The ICT is responsible for finding new partner institutions, drafting and closing all international learning agreements, and the International Relationships Manager approves and signs all agreements. The Coordinator for international relations is responsible for all international activities, including Erasmus.
The ICT's responsibilities include participation in project drafting and applications, monitoring ongoing project activities, and reporting on completed projects.
Communication is done in person, via Zoom meetings or through email correspondence.
✓ Manager for international cooperation: Nikola Abramovic ;
✓ International relationship coordinator: Ivana Kovac

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